The Big Sioux River Project is a non-government organization that works with local conservation districts, municipal entities, and state and federal entities to provide funding, staff, and expertise on water quality initiatives.
EDWDD provides staff, financial and technical assistance, and advises the BSRP. Much of the Big Sioux River watershed falls within the District, therefore EDWDD promotes the conservation, development, and proper management of water resources for the project. EDWDD also handles water quality testing.
The MCD is the lead sponsor of Segment 4 of the Big Sioux River Project. The district chairman and board of directors provide input and vote on recommendations for the project. They head a steering committee that is comprised of local stakeholders and partner agencies that meet quarterly to discuss goals and accomplishments of the Big Sioux River Project. In addition, the MCD also provides support via their staff's expertise in implementing BMPs and offer services like grass seeding and tree planting.
SDDANR administers the U.S. EPA Section 319 grant and provides oversight on all project activities. Project administration includes on-site office visits, managing funds, watershed tours, review of implementation activities and reports, approval of payment requests, and attendance at steering committee meetings.
USDA/NRCS provides technical assistance for planning, design, contracting, and installation of conservation practices. USDA/NRCS also provides the project's workspace, software licenses, and systems which enable the BSRP staff to generate conservation plans, contracts, and maps for BMP implementation activities.
The City of Sioux Falls provides financial assistance to the program through SRF NPS funds. The City also serves in an advisory capacity with members appointed to the steering committee. In addition, the City hosts the annual Big Sioux River Water Summit which brings the community together to host presentations and discuss ideas for the future of the watershed.
The City of Dell Rapids provides financial assistance to the program through SRF NPS funds. The City also serves in an advisory capacity on the steering committee.
The EPA provides he Clean Water Act Section 319 Grant which is one of the primary funding sources of the BSRP. EPA officials from the Region 8 office in Denver, Colorado also provides assistance and advice for the project.
NPLT provides ongoing support to the BSRP by managing and partnering on the Working Lands Easement program.
BSRP works with South Dakota's Conservation Districts, including the Brookings, Clay, Deuel, Hamlin, Lake, Lincoln, McCook, Minnehaha, Moody, Turner, and Union county Conservation Districts. These Conservation Districts have provided support in a variety of ways including, but not limited to, their staff's expertise, serving in an advisory capacity, and offering technical services to the project.
We have a lot of partners that help us to invest in quality BMPs that protect and restore rivers and streams within the Big Sioux River watershed. We've created the graphic below to help everyone understand how these goals overlap: